by Liz Spicer, MS, DNP | Jun 7, 2023 | Mental Health
Anxiety disorders affect millions of people globally, causing significant distress and impairment in daily life. While conventional approaches typically focus on managing symptoms with medications and therapy, functional medicine takes a different approach. It seeks...
by Liz Spicer, MS, DNP | Jun 5, 2023 | Health
In conventional medicine, various specialists attend to different parts of your body. Cardiologists focus on the heart, gastroenterologists on the digestive system, neurologists on the brain and nervous system, endocrinologists on the thyroid and nephrologists on the...
by Liz Spicer, MS, DNP | Jun 1, 2023 | Diet & Nutrition
Digestion is a complex process that allows the body to extract essential nutrients from the food we consume. A crucial element in this process is stomach acid, also known as gastric acid. Despite its notorious reputation for causing discomfort, stomach acid plays a...