Inspiring Vitality, Nurturing Wellness

Functional Medicine for the Whole Person

Are you ready to infuse vibrant health into your journey, breaking free from symptom management?

We’re dedicated to revitalizing your inner vitality and guiding you toward a life filled with enthusiasm , strength,  and well-being.  By uncovering the root causes of your health issues, we offer comprehensive and lasting solutions beyond symptom management empowering you to live a life free from suffering and discomfort.  Our holistic approach and personalized care aim to inspire your health journey, restoring balance and vitality in every aspect of your life.

Health and Wellness Redefined

You deserve a healthcare provider who addresses your symptoms and uplifts your complete well-being.


Support Your Health Holistically


Tailored Care, Unique to You


Cutting-Edge Solutions


Virtual Care, Wherever You Are


Caring for Your Total Well-Being

At Inspirit Functional Health and Wellness, we are driven by a deep commitment to your health and well-being.  Our mission is to uncover the intricate tapestry of factors influencing your health and guide you toward comprehensive, enduring solutions that nurture every dimension of your life.

Our approach is rooted in empathy and a profound understanding that each person’s well-being is a distinct, deeply personal journey.  We take the time to listen, learn, and tail our strategies to your individual needs, ensuring that our solutions are as unique as you are.

With Inspirit Functional Health and Wellness, you’re not just choosing a healthcare provider, but joining a caring community dedicated to revitalizing your health, enhancing your vitality, and rekindling your zest for life.  We’re here to support you every step of the way, from uncovering the root causes of your health concerns to guiding you to lasting balance and well-being.

Personalized Medicine for the Following Conditions

Autoimmune Conditions

Unraveling the complexities of autoimmune disorders can be challenging.  We’re focused on partnering with you on a journey to rebalance your immune system, offering relief and a fresh outlook on your well-being.

GI Health

Digestive problems can disrupt your life and affect your overall health.  We bring a wealth of expertise and compassion to help recognize and address a diverse array of gastrointestinal issues.  Our approach promotes optimal gut health, because we know that a health gut is the foundation of a healthy body.

Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances can affect your well-being at any age, but they don’t have to define your life.  Our experienced team is here to help you achieve hormonal harmony through personalized treatment plans, leading to improved energy, mood and overall quality of your life.

Chronic Pain & Inflammation

Chronic pain and inflammation can be debilitating .  We specialize in integrative techniques that provide long-term relief and improved mobility, helping you regain control over your life.


Your body’s energy systems are essential for vitality.  We’re dedicated to optimizing your metabolism and mitochonrial function, allowing you to enjoy sustained energy and well-being.

“Before I discovered NP Spicer, I was struggling with gas, bloating and the inability to eat any carbohydrates. I had spent 9 months working with a Gastroenterologist where I had been diagnosed with acid reflux and a hiatal hernia. I was put on a PPI and told to wait for things to clear and try to take the minimal amount of medicine possible. The sudden onset of my symptoms always suggested to me that something else was out of balance. Upon the recommendation of a dietician, I sought the advice of a functional medical professional.

Following the first meeting with Elizabeth Spicer (Free!),  I knew she was more in tune with understanding my problems.  Her functional medicine approach to healing included testing that indicated I suffered from SIBO/SIFO which in turn affected motility. Supplements were prescribed and a biological treatment approach followed.  I started to feel better in about a month. My excess gas and bloating was greatly reduced.

At the end of my third month of treatment now, I am now free of the PPI’s and their nasty side effects. With continued focus on eating the correct foods with supplements and probiotics tuned for my gut, I am nearly back to my pre-crisis state. My life has improved immensely and I will continue to follow Liz’s guidance.”

Drew L.

“Liz was finally able to determine the cause of my fatigue.  Instead of implying it was all in my head, she ran a few tests and came up with the answer that evaded my physicians for years.  With all natural adrenal/hormonal support I have finally have the energy back that I had been missing.”

Daniel S.

“Liz really cares about her patients. She was able to pinpoint the cause of my GI issues. My testing revealed that I had some food sensitivities and bacterial overgrowth in my gut. She prescribed an herbal, no drug protocol that reversed the diarrhea which had plagued me since my 20’s.”

Liz J.

Liz Spicer, MS, DNP

I've been where you are.  Like you, I 've faced the challenges of relying on medications, feeling dismissed by my care providers and searching for answers.

I found my own path to wellness, and it ignited a passion in me to help others do the same.  With over a decade of nursing experience and specialized traing in functional medicine, I'm here to collaborate with individuals ready to take charge of their health.

In my clinic, we don't just manage symptoms with medications or quick fixes.  We dig deep to find and address the root causes of health issues.  Together, we can regain control of your health and your life.

Let's make lasting improvements and achieve genuine well-being.

It's time to start your journey to a healthier you.

Your Personalized Path to Health and Wellness

Embark on a unique healthcare experience with us.


At Inspirit Functional Health and Wellness, we’re dedicated to infusing your unique journey to well-being with renewed vitality, placing your health story at the forefront. Discover how our holistic approach, precise diagnoses, and tailired treatments can transfor you health story.

Embrace the opportunity to embark on the pat toward a healthier, more vibrant you with the reassurance that you won’t be undertaking this journey alone. We’ll be there every step of the way, providing steadfast support and guidance as you take your empowering strides toward lasting well-being.

A Comprehensive Approach to Health

In functional medicine, a comprehensive approach means considering your overall well-being and connecting the dots between your biology, lifestyle, environment and emotions to uncover the root causes that enable personalized care of lasting vitality.

Accurate Diagnosis for Informed Care

We delve deeper than just addressing your symptoms, taking a holistic approach that considers your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.  We gain a clear understanding by conducting thorough evaluation, utilizing advanced diagnostics, and tailoring assessments.  This clarity empowers us to create treatments targeting the root causes, ultimately enhancing your long-term health and well-being.

Personalized Treatment Tailored for You

We recognize that responses to treatment vary, and instead of a generic approach, we offer cutomized interventions targeting your health concerns’ root causes.  We place you at the heart of your care by factoring in your symptoms, medical history, and preferences.  This patient-centered approach enhances treatment effectiveness and fosters adherence, promotes symptom relief and overall well-beng, helping you achieve a balanced, healthier life.

Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people globally, causing significant distress and impairment in daily life. While conventional approaches typically focus on managing symptoms with medications and therapy, functional medicine takes a different approach. It seeks...

Functional Vs. Conventional Medicine

In conventional medicine, various specialists attend to different parts of your body. Cardiologists focus on the heart, gastroenterologists on the digestive system, neurologists on the brain and nervous system, endocrinologists on the thyroid and nephrologists on the...

Understanding Stomach Acid: Its Role, Importance, and the Impact of Suppression

Digestion is a complex process that allows the body to extract essential nutrients from the food we consume. A crucial element in this process is stomach acid, also known as gastric acid. Despite its notorious reputation for causing discomfort, stomach acid plays a...

Inspiring Your Journey to Vitality and Well-Being

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